Meta-analysis results for all treatments

Treatment relative effect with 95% CI; and degree of certainty (adaptated from GRADE). method

Treament Trials      
Demonstrated or suggested benefit Inconclusive results Uncertain results Safety results

suggested 24 % decrease in death or ventilation

inconclusive results for: death or transfer to ICU; deaths; deaths (time to event analysis only); clinical deterioration; clinical improvement; mechanical ventilation; ICU admission; Major thrombotic events or death; Major bleeding; Thromboembolic events

suggested 78 % decrease in death D28 but the degree if certainty is unassessable

demonstrated 27 % increase in clinical improvement (28-day) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

face mask0- - - -
febuxostat0- - - -
hydrogen-oxygen nebulizer 0- - - -
hyperbaric oxygen0- - - -
nintedanib0- - - -
paracetamol0- - - -
pulmonary rehabilitation0- - - -
respiratory support0- - - -