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camostat mesilate (n=139) vs. placebo (n=69)
randomized controlled trial
Camostat Mesilate
2x100 mg pills 3 times daily (every 8h) for 5 days.
2 pills 3 times daily for 5 days.
2:1 ratio. Some patients received remdesivir and/or dexamethasone as standard of care. All participants also received prophylactic or therapeutic anticoagulatory treatment.
COVID 19 all comers
documented COVID-19 infection as evidenced by positive PCR (or comparable clinical assay) for SARS-coV-2 ; less than 48 hours since time of hospital admission OR if hospital-acquired COVID-19 is suspected, less than 48 hrs since onset of symptoms
Denmark (8 sites), Sweden (1 site).
Phase IIa. The scale consisted of the following categories: 1, not hospitalized with resumption of normal activities; 2, not hospitalized, but unable to resume normal activities; 3, hospitalized, not requiring supplemental oxygen; 4, hospitalized, requiring supplemental oxygen; 5, hospitalized, requiring high-flow oxygen therapy or noninvasive ventilation;6, hospitalized, requiring invasive mechanical ventilation; and 7,death. After discharged, phone interviews were conducted up to day 30 to monitor treatment adherence and clinical status.
Aspirin (n=7351) vs. standard of care (n=7541)
randomized controlled trial
Usual care plus 150mg aspirin once per day by mouth (or nasogastric tube) or by rectum until discharge.
Usual care
As a platform trial, and in a factorial design, patients could be simultaneously randomly assigned to the following other treatment groups: azithromycin, colchicine,or dimethyl fumarate versus usual care; convalescent plasma or casirivimab and imdevimab versus usual care; and baricitinib versus usual care. Until Jan 24, 2021, the trial also allowed asubsequent randomisation for patients with progressive COVID-19 (evidence of hypoxia and a hyperinflammatory state) to tocilizumab versus usual care. 210 patients (3%) allocated to usual care received at least one dose of aspirin.
COVID 19 hospitalized
177 hospitals in the UK, 2 hospitals in Indonesia, and 2 hospitals in Nepal.
Cannabidiol (n=53) vs. placebo (n=52)
randomized controlled trial
300mg/day Cannabidiol plus standard of care during 14 days.
Placebo plus standard of care during 14 days.
COVID-19 mild to moderate
2 sites in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Primary endpoint was measured with the COVID-19 Scale or the natural course of the resolution of typical clinical symptoms, and assessed on days 14, 21, and 28 after enrollment.
sabizabulin (n=134) vs. placebo (n=70)
randomized controlled trial
daily oral doses of sabizabulin 9mg for 21 days
COVID-19 mild to moderate
27 centers, worldwide
met the prespecified superiority criterion for efficacy at the time of the interim analysis with 150 patients
planned interim analysis
pyridostigmine (n=94) vs. placebo (n=94)
randomized controlled trial
Oral pyridostigmine at a dose of 60 mg/day until the occurrence of any of the prespecified outcomes, hospital discharge, or 14 in-hospital days.
Matching placebo (pharmaceutical-grade starch). One tablet P.O. once per day for 14 days.
All patients received best standard of care available for severe COVID-19 in participating centers.
COVID-19 severe or critically
Adults (≥18 years old), with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection based on a positive RT-PCR test, requiring in-hospital care, Imaging study compatible with pneumonia, At least one of the following criteria: a). Dyspnea b). Lung infiltrates occupying > 50% of lung fields by CT scan c) PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 300 mmHg d). Peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) < 90% while breathing room air, a ≥ 3% drop in baseline SpO2, or the need of increased flow rates of supplemental oxygen in the case of chronic hypoxia; and the need for supplemental oxygen therapy according to the treating medical team’s judgment. e). Alteration of one or more of the following laboratory parameters: D-dimer > 1 μg/mL, Ferritin level > 300 ng/mL, C-reactive protein (CRP) > 3 mg/L, Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) > 245 U/L, Lymphopenia, defined as < 800 lymphocytes/uL, Creatine kinase (CK) level > 800 IU/L
Multicenter, 2 hospitals in Mexico City, Mexico.
Phase 2/3.
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