demonstrated suggested inconclusive safety concern ongoing study display ongoing demontrated benefit only
COVID-19 severe or critically
infections other than COVID-19
potential COVID-19 treatments
adjuvant therapies
face mask MacIntyre ...
anti-inflammatoty and immuno-therapy
Immunostimulants drugs
convalescent plasma treatment Hung IRC002 Study Team IRC005 Study Team INSIGHT FLU-IVIG ...
antiviral and associated therapy
chloroquine and derivatives Borges Paton Tricou

5 studies excluded by filtering options 0

4909 Lee, 2004 010selection pending
4910 Soo, 2004 000selection pending
4911 HKU/UCH SARS Study Group, 2004 000selection pending
4912 Chan, 2003 000selection pending
4913 Beigel, 2018 010selection pending