demonstrated suggested inconclusive safety concern ongoing study display ongoing demontrated benefit only
COVID-19 mild to moderateCOVID-19 severe or critically
COVID 19 hospitalizedCOVID-19 mild to moderateCOVID-19 severe or critically
colchicine Lopes MIF Salehzadeh GRECCO-19 COLCOVID RECOVERY ... Horby COL-COVID ... COLCHIVID
Colchicine plus rosuvastatin Gaitan-Duarte ... COLSTAT

3 studies excluded by filtering options 3

5555 Scarsi, 2020 1130not a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
9868 Brunetti, 2020 1110not a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
9869 Sandhu, 2020 1100not a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble