demonstrated suggested inconclusive safety concern ongoing study display ongoing demontrated benefit only
COVID-19 severe or critically
COVID-19 severe or critically
antiviral and associated therapy
azithromycin COALITION II Covid-19 Brazil ...
chloroquine and derivatives
hydroxychloroquine Sarhan HYDRA ... REMAP-CAP-HCQ Sarhan
ivermectin Okumuş Galan Galan
lopinavir/ritonavir REMAP-CAP ... Cao
Lopinavir/ritonavir plus hydroxychloroquine REMAP-CAP ...
remdesivir CAP-China ...

10 studies excluded by filtering options 3

5209 SIMPLE (Grein), 0 2300excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
5490 Kurd, 2020 0100selection pending
5599 Karolyi, 2020 0130selection pending
6034 Huang, 2020 0990selection pending
6095 Camprubi, 2020 1110not a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6184 Erdem, 2020 2110excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6262 Yamamura, 2020 2300excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6267 Murohashi, 2020 2100excludednot a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6287 Kocayigit H, 2020 1100not a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble
6516 Eslami, 2020 1310not a RCTrisk of bias not avaialble