demonstrated suggested inconclusive safety concern ongoing study display ongoing demontrated benefit only
COVID-19 mild to moderate
COVID-19 mild to moderate
anti-inflammatoty and immuno-therapy
anti-inflammatory therapies
clarithromycine Rashad ...
colchicine COL-COVID ...
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Guzman-Esquivel
Indomethacin Ravichandran
Immunostimulants drugs
convalescent plasma treatment PLACID Libster
inhaled interferon
IFN alpha
pegylated interferon-α2b Shashi Bhushan Pandit
interferon / TFF2 Fu
peginterferon Jagannathan
PNB001 Lattmann
neutralizing antibody
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) Somersan-Karakaya ...
Immunosuppressants drugs
anakinra CORIMUNO-ANA-1
janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor
tofacitinib Murugesan
lenzilumab LIVE-AIR ...
Kinase inhibitors
imatinib Covid-19 HUF

4 studies excluded by filtering options 3

5476 Yuan, 2020 0130selection pending
5639 Li (Methylprednisolone, Shanghai cohort), 2020 0130selection pending
5840 Majmundar, 2020 0130selection pending
5939 Li (Methylprednisolone, Validation cohort), 2020 0130selection pending