(statisticaly significant)
benefit (nominaly significant, not statitically demonstrated) NS not significant harm statitically significant NS harm not significant low certainty due to bias
deaths (OS)

breast cancer (BC) breast cancer (BC)

breast cancer - adjuvant breast cancer - adjuvant

versus placebo
neratinib vs. placebo 1 -

es-BC - HER2 negative - (neo)adjuvant (NA) breast cancer - HER2-positive es-BC - HER2 negative - (neo)adjuvant (NA)

es-BC - HER2 positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA) breast cancer - HER2-positive es-BC - HER2 positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)

versus lapatinib plus epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel
trastuzumab plus epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel vs. lapatinib plus epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel 1 -

la/mBC - HER2 positive - 1st Line (L1) breast cancer - HER2-positive la/mBC - HER2 positive la/mBC - HER2 positive - 1st Line (L1)

versus trastuzumab
pertuzumab plus trastuzumab vs. trastuzumab 1 -
versus trastuzumab plus chemotherapy
trastuzumab plus endocrine therapy vs. trastuzumab plus chemotherapy 1 NS
versus trastuzumab plus docetaxel
pertuzumab plus trastuzumab plus docetaxel vs. trastuzumab plus docetaxel 2 -34%

la/mBC - HER2 positive - 2nd Line (L2) breast cancer - HER2-positive la/mBC - HER2 positive la/mBC - HER2 positive - 2nd Line (L2)

versus lapatinib plus capecitabine
neratinib plus capecitabine vs. lapatinib plus capecitabine 2 NS
versus placebo
neratinib vs. placebo 1 -
versus trastuzumab plus capecitabine
tucatinib plus trastuzumab plus capecitabine vs. trastuzumab plus capecitabine 2 -34%

es-BC - HR positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA) breast cancer - HR positive es-BC - HR positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)

es-BC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1) breast cancer - HR positive es-BC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1)

la/mBC - HR positive breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive

la/mBC - HR positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA) breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)

la/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1) breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive la/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1)

versus trastuzumab plus chemotherapy
trastuzumab plus endocrine therapy vs. trastuzumab plus chemotherapy 1 NS

la/mBC - HR positive - L1 - PIK3CA mutant breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive la/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1) la/mBC - HR positive - L1 - PIK3CA mutant

la/mBC - HR-positive - 2nd line (L2) breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive la/mBC - HR-positive - 2nd line (L2)

la/mBC - HR positive - L2 - all population breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive la/mBC - HR-positive - 2nd line (L2) la/mBC - HR positive - L2 - all population

la/mBC - HR positive - L2 - PIK3CA mutant breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive la/mBC - HR-positive - 2nd line (L2) la/mBC - HR positive - L2 - PIK3CA mutant

es-BC - TNBC - NA - all population breast cancer - triple negative es-BC - Triple negatif (TNBC) - (neo)adjuvant (NA) es-BC - TNBC - NA - all population

es-BC - TNBC - NA - PDL1 positive breast cancer - triple negative es-BC - Triple negatif (TNBC) - (neo)adjuvant (NA) es-BC - TNBC - NA - PDL1 positive

mBC - Triple negative (TNBC) - 1st Line (L1) breast cancer - triple negative mBC - Triple negative (TNBC) - 1st Line (L1)

mBC - TNBC - L1 - all population breast cancer - triple negative mBC - Triple negative (TNBC) - 1st Line (L1) mBC - TNBC - L1 - all population

mBC - TNBC - L1 - PDL1 positive breast cancer - triple negative mBC - Triple negative (TNBC) - 1st Line (L1) mBC - TNBC - L1 - PDL1 positive

mBC-Triple negative (TNBC) - 2nd Line (L2) breast cancer - triple negative mBC-Triple negative (TNBC) - 2nd Line (L2)

mBC - TNBC - L2 - all population breast cancer - triple negative mBC-Triple negative (TNBC) - 2nd Line (L2) mBC - TNBC - L2 - all population

mBC - TNBC - L2 - PDL1 positive breast cancer - triple negative mBC-Triple negative (TNBC) - 2nd Line (L2) mBC - TNBC - L2 - PDL1 positive

metastatic/advanced - breast cancer (mBC) metastatic/advanced - breast cancer (mBC)