Statistically conclusive or suggested result Inconclusive results Uncertain results Safety results

es-BC - HER2 negative - (neo)adjuvant (NA) breast cancer - HER2-positive es-BC - HER2 negative - (neo)adjuvant (NA)

es-BC - HER2 positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA) breast cancer - HER2-positive es-BC - HER2 positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)

versus lapatinib plus epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel
trastuzumab plus epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel vs. lapatinib plus epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel 1 none-

statistically conclusive 48 % increase in pCR but the degree if certainty is unassessable


la/mBC - HER2 positive - 1st Line (L1) breast cancer - HER2-positive la/mBC - HER2 positive la/mBC - HER2 positive - 1st Line (L1)

la/mBC - HER2 positive - 2nd Line (L2) breast cancer - HER2-positive la/mBC - HER2 positive la/mBC - HER2 positive - 2nd Line (L2)