Statistically conclusive or suggested result Inconclusive results Uncertain results Safety results

mNSCLC - L1 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) mNSCLC - L1 - all population

mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 negative metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 negative

mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positive metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positive

versus Standard of Care (SoC)
pembrolizumab alone vs. Standard of Care (SoC) 4

statistically conclusive 26 % decrease in deaths (OS)

suggested 28 % decrease in deaths (OS) (extension)

statistically conclusive 26 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS)

suggested 78 % decrease in TRAE (any grade)

suggested 70 % decrease in TRAE (grade 3-4)

suggested 94 % decrease in Anaemia TRAE (grade 3-4)

suggested 90 % decrease in Nausea TRAE (grade 3-4)

suggested 98 % decrease in Neutropenia TRAE (grade 3-4)

suggested 92 % decrease in Thrombocytopenia TRAE (grade 3-4)

inconclusive results for: PFS (extension); DOR; DOR (extension); objective responses (ORR); objective responses (ORR) (extension); STRAE (any grade); STRAE (grade 3-4); TRAE leading to death (grade 5); TRAE leading to discontinuation (any grade); TRAE leading to discontinuation (grade 3-4); Adrenal insufficiency TRAE (grade 3-4); Alopecia TRAE (grade 3-4); Arthralgia TRAE (grade 3-4); Asthenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Blood creatinine increased TRAE (grade 3-4); Colitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Constipation TRAE (grade 3-4); Decreased appetite TRAE (grade 3-4); Diabetes TRAE (grade 3-4); Diarrhoea TRAE (grade 3-4); Dysgeusia TRAE (grade 3-4); Fatigue TRAE (grade 3-4); Hepatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hyperthyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypophysitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypothyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Increase AST TRAE (grade 3-4); Increased ALT TRAE (grade 3-4); Infusion-related reactions TRAE (grade 3-4); Myalgia TRAE (grade 3-4); Myocarditis TRAE (grade 3-4); Myositis TRAE (grade 3-4); Nephritis TRAE (grade 3-4); Pancreatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Peripheral neuropathy TRAE (grade 3-4); Peripheral sensory neuropathy TRAE (grade 3-4); Pneumonitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Pruritus TRAE (grade 3-4); Pyrexia TRAE (grade 3-4); Rash TRAE (grade 3-4); Severe skin reaction TRAE (grade 3-4); Stomatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Thyroiditis TRAE (grade 3-4); Vomiting TRAE (grade 3-4)

suggested 95 % decrease in Leucopenia TRAE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable


mNSCLC - L1 - TMB>10Mb metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) mNSCLC - L1 - TMB10Mb

non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) non squamous cell - mNSCLC - L1 non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - all population

non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - Wild Type (WT) metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) non squamous cell - mNSCLC - L1 non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - Wild Type (WT)

versus pemetrexed plus platin
pembrolizumab and pemetrexed plus platin vs. pemetrexed plus platin 1 noneinconclusive results for: deaths (OS); deaths (OS) (extension); DOR; DOR (extension); STRAE (any grade); STRAE (grade 3-4); TRAE (any grade); TRAE (grade 3-4); TRAE leading to death (grade 5); TRAE leading to discontinuation (any grade); TRAE leading to discontinuation (grade 3-4); Acute kidney injury TRAE (grade 3-4); Alopecia TRAE (grade 3-4); Anaemia TRAE (grade 3-4); Blood creatinine increased TRAE (grade 3-4); Constipation TRAE (grade 3-4); Decreased appetite TRAE (grade 3-4); Diarrhoea TRAE (grade 3-4); Dizziness TRAE (grade 3-4); Dysgeusia TRAE (grade 3-4); Fatigue TRAE (grade 3-4); Febrile neutropenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Hyperthyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypothyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Increase AST TRAE (grade 3-4); Increased ALT TRAE (grade 3-4); Increased lacrimation (TRAE grade 3-4); Infusion-related reactions TRAE (grade 3-4); Leucopenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Nausea TRAE (grade 3-4); Neutropenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Pancytopenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Peripheral oedema TRAE (grade 3-4); Pneumonia TRAE (grade 3-4); Pneumonitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Pruritus TRAE (grade 3-4); Rash TRAE (grade 3-4); Sepsis TRAE (grade 3-4); Severe skin reaction TRAE (grade 3-4); Stomatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Thrombocytopenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Vomiting TRAE (grade 3-4)

suggested 46 % decrease in PFS (extension) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

statistically conclusive 47 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

statistically conclusive 3.1-fold increase in objective responses (ORR) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 2.8-fold increase in objective responses (ORR) (extension) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

versus placebo plus SoC
pembrolizumab plus SoC vs. placebo plus SoC 1 noneinconclusive results for: DOR; AE (any grade); AE (grade 3-4); AE leading to death (grade 5); AE leading to treatment discontinuation (any grade); AE leading to treatment discontinuation (grade 3-4); Adrenal insufficiency TRAE (grade 3-4); Colitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Diabetes TRAE (grade 3-4); Hepatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hyperthyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypophysitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypothyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Infusion-related reactions TRAE (grade 3-4); Myositis TRAE (grade 3-4); Nephritis TRAE (grade 3-4); Pancreatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Pneumonitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Severe skin reaction TRAE (grade 3-4); Thyroiditis TRAE (grade 3-4); Anaemia AE (grade 3-4); Asthenia AE (grade 3-4); Constipation AE (grade 3-4); Cough AE (grade 3-4); Decreased appetite AE (grade 3-4); Diarrhoea AE (grade 3-4); Dyspnoea AE (grade 3-4); Fatigue AE (grade 3-4); Lacrimation increased AE (grade 3-4); Nausea AE (grade 3-4); Neutropenia AE (grade 3-4); Peripheral oedema AE (grade 3-4); Pyrexia AE (grade 3-4); Rash AE (grade 3-4); Thrombocytopenia AE (grade 3-4); Vomiting AE (grade 3-4)

statistically conclusive 51 % decrease in deaths (OS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 44 % decrease in deaths (OS) (extension) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 52 % decrease in PFS (extension) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

statistically conclusive 48 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

statistically conclusive 3.9-fold increase in objective responses (ORR) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 3.8-fold increase in objective responses (ORR) (extension) but the degree if certainty is unassessable


squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) squamous cell - mNSCLC - L1 squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - all population

versus placebo plus SoC
pembrolizumab plus SoC vs. placebo plus SoC 1 noneinconclusive results for: DOR; AE (any grade); AE (grade 3-4); AE leading to death (grade 5); AE leading to treatment discontinuation (any grade); AE leading to treatment discontinuation (grade 3-4); TRAE leading to death (grade 5); hepatitis (Autoimmune) AE (grade 3-4); Alopecia AE (grade 3-4); Anaemia AE (grade 3-4); Arthralgia AE (grade 3-4); Asthenia AE (grade 3-4); Colitis AE (grade 3-4); Constipation AE (grade 3-4); Cough AE (grade 3-4); Decreased appetite AE (grade 3-4); Diarrhoea AE (grade 3-4); Dyspnoea AE (grade 3-4); Epistaxis AE (grade 3-4); Fatigue AE (grade 3-4); Hyperthyroidism AE (grade 3-4); Hypophysitis AE (grade 3-4); Hypothyroidism AE (grade 3-4); Infusion-related reaction AE (grade 3-4); Myalgia AE (grade 3-4); Nausea AE (grade 3-4); Neutropenia AE (grade 3-4); Peripheral neuropathy AE (grade 3-4); Pneumonitis AE (grade 3-4); Pyrexia AE (grade 3-4); Severe skin reactions AE (grade 3-4); Thrombocytopenia AE (grade 3-4); Thyroiditis AE (grade 3-4); Vomiting AE (grade 3-4)

statistically conclusive 36 % decrease in deaths (OS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

statistically conclusive 44 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 2.2-fold increase in objective responses (ORR) but the degree if certainty is unassessable
