Statistically conclusive or suggested result Inconclusive results Uncertain results Safety results

lung cancer : non small cell (NSCLC) lung cancer : non small cell (NSCLC)

locally advanced NSCLC - (neo)adjuvant (NA) locally advanced NSCLC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)

laNSCLC - M - all population locally advanced NSCLC - maintenance (M) laNSCLC - M - all population

mNSCLC - L1 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) mNSCLC - L1 - all population

mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 negative metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 negative

mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positive metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positive

versus Standard of Care (SoC)
atezolizumab alone vs. Standard of Care (SoC) 3 noneinconclusive results for: deaths (OS); deaths (OS) (extension); DOR; DOR (extension); objective responses (ORR); objective responses (ORR) (extension); AE (any grade); AE leading to death (grade 5); SAE (any grade); TRAE leading to death (grade 5); Colitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hepatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hyperthyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypothyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Infusion-related reactions TRAE (grade 3-4); Pneumonitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Rash TRAE (grade 3-4); Asthenia AE (grade 3-4); Constipation AE (grade 3-4); Cough AE (grade 3-4); Decreased appetite AE (grade 3-4); Diarrhoea AE (grade 3-4); Dyspnoea AE (grade 3-4); Fatigue AE (grade 3-4); Hypertension AE (grade 3-4); Increase AST AE (grade 3-4); Increased ALT AE (grade 3-4); Leucopenia AE (grade 3-4); Nausea AE (grade 3-4); Pancytopenia (AE grade 3-4); Pneumonia AE (grade 3-4); Pyrexia AE (grade 3-4); Sepsis AE (grade 3-4); Vomiting AE (grade 3-4)

suggested 28 % decrease in PFS (extension) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 23 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 61 % decrease in AE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 66 % decrease in AE leading to treatment discontinuation (any grade) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 50 % decrease in STRAE (any grade) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 73 % decrease in TRAE (any grade) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 81 % decrease in TRAE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 92 % decrease in Anaemia AE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 95 % decrease in Febrile neutropenia AE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 97 % decrease in Neutropenia AE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 95 % decrease in Thrombocytopenia AE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable


mNSCLC - L1 - TMB>10Mb metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) mNSCLC - L1 - TMB10Mb

non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) non squamous cell - mNSCLC - L1 non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - all population

versus atezolizumab plus carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel
atezolizumab plus carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel vs. atezolizumab plus carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel 1 noneinconclusive results for: AE (any grade); AE (grade 3-4); AE leading to death (grade 5); AE leading to treatment discontinuation (any grade); SAE (any grade); STRAE (any grade); TRAE (any grade); TRAE (grade 3-4); TRAE leading to death (grade 5); Alopecia TRAE (grade 3-4); Anaemia TRAE (grade 3-4); Asthenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Constipation TRAE (grade 3-4); Decreased appetite TRAE (grade 3-4); Diarrhoea TRAE (grade 3-4); Dysgeusia TRAE (grade 3-4); Fatigue TRAE (grade 3-4); Nausea TRAE (grade 3-4); Neutropenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Thrombocytopenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Vomiting TRAE (grade 3-4); hepatitis (Autoimmune) AE (grade 3-4); Abdominal pain AE (grade 3-4); Agranulocytosis (AE grade 3-4); Alopecia AE (grade 3-4); Anaemia AE (grade 3-4); Arthralgia AE (grade 3-4); Asthenia AE (grade 3-4); Back pain AE (grade 3-4); Blood creatinine increased AE (grade 3-4); Colitis AE (grade 3-4); Constipation AE (grade 3-4); Cough AE (grade 3-4); Decreased appetite AE (grade 3-4); Diabetes mellitus AE (grade 3-4); Diarrhoea AE (grade 3-4); Dizziness AE (grade 3-4); Dry skin AE (grade 3-4); Dysgeusia AE (grade 3-4); Dyspnoea AE (grade 3-4); Epistaxis AE (grade 3-4); Fatigue AE (grade 3-4); Febrile neutropenia AE (grade 3-4); Gastritis AE (grade 3-4); Headache AE (grade 3-4); Hypertension AE (grade 3-4); Hyperthyroidism AE (grade 3-4); Hypothyroidism AE (grade 3-4); Increase AST AE (grade 3-4); Increased ALT AE (grade 3-4); Infusion-related reaction AE (grade 3-4); Leucopenia AE (grade 3-4); Myalgia AE (grade 3-4); Nausea AE (grade 3-4); Neutropenia AE (grade 3-4); Pancytopenia (AE grade 3-4); Paraesthesia AE (grade 3-4); Peripheral neuropathy AE (grade 3-4); Peripheral oedema AE (grade 3-4); Peripheral sensory neuropathy AE (grade 3-4); Pneumonia AE (grade 3-4); Pneumonitis AE (grade 3-4); Pruritus AE (grade 3-4); Pyrexia AE (grade 3-4); Rash AE (grade 3-4); Rash maculopapular AE (grade 3-4); Sepsis AE (grade 3-4); Stomatitis AE (grade 3-4); Thrombocytopenia AE (grade 3-4); Vomiting AE (grade 3-4); Weight decreased AE (grade 3-4)

statistically conclusive 20 % decrease in deaths (OS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

statistically conclusive 35 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

versus bevacizumab plus carboplatin and paclitaxel
atezolizumab plus bevacizumab plus carboplatin plus paclitaxel vs. bevacizumab plus carboplatin and paclitaxel 1 noneinconclusive results for: DOR; AE (any grade); AE (grade 3-4); AE leading to death (grade 5); AE leading to treatment discontinuation (any grade); SAE (any grade); STRAE (any grade); TRAE (any grade); TRAE (grade 3-4); TRAE leading to death (grade 5); Adrenal insufficiency TRAE (grade 3-4); Alopecia TRAE (grade 3-4); Anaemia TRAE (grade 3-4); Arthralgia TRAE (grade 3-4); Asthenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Colitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Constipation TRAE (grade 3-4); Decreased appetite TRAE (grade 3-4); Diabetes TRAE (grade 3-4); Diarrhoea TRAE (grade 3-4); Epistaxis TRAE (grade 3-4); Fatigue TRAE (grade 3-4); Febrile neutropenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Hepatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypertension TRAE (grade 3-4); Hyperthyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypophysitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypothyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Increase AST TRAE (grade 3-4); Increased ALT TRAE (grade 3-4); Leucopenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Myalgia TRAE (grade 3-4); Myositis TRAE (grade 3-4); Nausea TRAE (grade 3-4); Nephritis TRAE (grade 3-4); Neutropenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Pancreatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Paraesthesia TRAE (grade 3-4); Peripheral neuropathy TRAE (grade 3-4); Pneumonitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Rash TRAE (grade 3-4); Sepsis TRAE (grade 3-4); Stomatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Thrombocytopenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Vomiting TRAE (grade 3-4)

suggested 24 % decrease in deaths (OS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 39 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 95 % increase in objective responses (ORR) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

atezolizumab plus carboplatin plus paclitaxel vs. bevacizumab plus carboplatin and paclitaxel 1 noneinconclusive results for: deaths (OS); progression or deaths (PFS); DOR; objective responses (ORR)--

non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - Wild Type (WT) metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) non squamous cell - mNSCLC - L1 non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - Wild Type (WT)

versus bevacizumab plus carboplatin and paclitaxel
atezolizumab plus bevacizumab plus carboplatin plus paclitaxel vs. bevacizumab plus carboplatin and paclitaxel 2

statistically conclusive 42 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS)

suggested 90 % increase in objective responses (ORR)

inconclusive results for: DOR

statistically conclusive 22 % decrease in deaths (OS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

versus carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel
atezolizumab plus carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel vs. carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel 1 noneinconclusive results for: DOR

statistically conclusive 21 % decrease in deaths (OS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

statistically conclusive 36 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 2.1-fold increase in objective responses (ORR) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

versus pemetrexed plus platin
atezolizumab plus pemetrexed and platin vs. pemetrexed plus platin 1 noneinconclusive results for: deaths (OS); DOR; AE (any grade); AE (grade 3-4); AE leading to death (grade 5); AE leading to treatment discontinuation (any grade); SAE (any grade); STRAE (any grade); TRAE (any grade); TRAE (grade 3-4); TRAE leading to death (grade 5); Colitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hepatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hyperthyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypothyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Infusion-related reactions TRAE (grade 3-4); Pancreatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Pneumonitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Rash TRAE (grade 3-4); Severe skin reaction TRAE (grade 3-4)

statistically conclusive 40 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 86 % increase in objective responses (ORR) but the degree if certainty is unassessable


squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) squamous cell - mNSCLC - L1 squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - all population

versus carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel
atezolizumab plus carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel vs. carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel 1 noneinconclusive results for: deaths (OS); DOR; AE (any grade); AE (grade 3-4); AE leading to death (grade 5); AE leading to treatment discontinuation (any grade); SAE (any grade); STRAE (any grade); TRAE (any grade); TRAE (grade 3-4); TRAE leading to death (grade 5); Adrenal insufficiency TRAE (grade 3-4); Alopecia TRAE (grade 3-4); Anaemia TRAE (grade 3-4); Arthralgia TRAE (grade 3-4); Asthenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Colitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Constipation TRAE (grade 3-4); Decreased appetite TRAE (grade 3-4); Diabetes TRAE (grade 3-4); Diarrhoea TRAE (grade 3-4); Fatigue TRAE (grade 3-4); Febrile neutropenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Guillain-Barré syndrome TRAE (grade 3-4); Hepatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Hyperthyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Hypothyroidism TRAE (grade 3-4); Infusion-related reactions TRAE (grade 3-4); Leucopenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Myalgia TRAE (grade 3-4); Myositis TRAE (grade 3-4); Nausea TRAE (grade 3-4); Nephritis TRAE (grade 3-4); Neutropenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Pancreatitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Peripheral neuropathy TRAE (grade 3-4); Peripheral sensory neuropathy TRAE (grade 3-4); Pneumonitis TRAE (grade 3-4); Rash TRAE (grade 3-4); Severe skin reaction TRAE (grade 3-4); Thrombocytopenia TRAE (grade 3-4); Vomiting TRAE (grade 3-4)

statistically conclusive 29 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 42 % increase in objective responses (ORR) but the degree if certainty is unassessable


metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2) metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2)

mNSCLC - L2 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2) mNSCLC - L2 - all population

versus docetaxel
atezolizumab alone vs. docetaxel 2

statistically conclusive 21 % decrease in deaths (OS)

suggested 47 % decrease in AE (grade 3-4)

suggested 55 % decrease in AE leading to treatment discontinuation (any grade)

suggested 71 % decrease in TRAE (any grade)

suggested 77 % decrease in TRAE (grade 3-4)

inconclusive results for: progression or deaths (PFS); DOR; objective responses (ORR); AE (any grade); AE leading to death (grade 5); SAE (any grade); SAE (grade 3-4); TRAE leading to death (grade 5); Alopecia AE (grade 3-4); Arthralgia AE (grade 3-4); Asthenia AE (grade 3-4); Back pain AE (grade 3-4); Constipation AE (grade 3-4); Cough AE (grade 3-4); Diarrhoea AE (grade 3-4); Dysgeusia AE (grade 3-4); Dyspnoea AE (grade 3-4); Fatigue AE (grade 3-4); Myalgia AE (grade 3-4); Nausea AE (grade 3-4); Peripheral neuropathy AE (grade 3-4); Peripheral oedema AE (grade 3-4); Pyrexia AE (grade 3-4); Vomiting AE (grade 3-4)

suggested 93 % decrease in TRAE leading to discontinuation (any grade) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 61 % decrease in Anaemia AE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 79 % decrease in Decreased appetite AE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 99 % decrease in Febrile neutropenia AE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 97 % decrease in Neutropenia AE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable

suggested 92 % decrease in Stomatitis AE (grade 3-4) but the degree if certainty is unassessable


mNSCLC - L2 - EGFR mutant metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2) mNSCLC - L2 - EGFR mutant

mNSCLC - L2 - PDL1 negative metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2) mNSCLC - L2 - PDL1 negative

mNSCLC - L2 - PDL1 positive metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2) mNSCLC - L2 - PDL1 positive

versus docetaxel
atezolizumab alone vs. docetaxel 1 noneinconclusive results for: progression or deaths (PFS); DOR; objective responses (ORR)

statistically conclusive 23 % decrease in deaths (OS) but the degree if certainty is unassessable


non squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2) non squamous cell - mNSCLC - L2 non squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all population

squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2) squamous cell - mNSCLC - L2 squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all population

NSCLC neoadjuvant setting NSCLC neoadjuvant setting