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COVID 19 hospitalized meta-analysis

Declercq J (COV-AID)
RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedlow
114/115 inconclusive
    RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
    60/66 inconclusive
      RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
      2022/2094 conclusif
      • demonstrated 15 % decrease in deaths (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
      • suggested 15 % decrease in death or ventilation with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
      Rutgers RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
      174/180 suggested
      • inconclusive 41 % decrease in death D28 (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
      • suggested 35 % decrease in death or ventilation with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
      Soin AS (COVINTOC)
      RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
      90/90 inconclusive
        Dongsheng Wang
        RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
        33/32 safety concern
        • statistically significant 8.6-fold increase in adverse events with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
        EU-CTR2020-001375-32 (PreToVid) unpublished
        RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedlow
        174/180 inconclusive
          EU-CTR2020-001748-24 (ImmCoVA) unpublished
          RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedlow
          22/27 inconclusive
            NCT04434717 (COVITOZ-1 single dose plus two doses) unpublished
            RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedlow
            17/9 inconclusive
              NCT04479358 (COVIDOSE-2 substudy A 120mg plus 40mg) unpublished
              RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedlow
              20/8 inconclusive
                NCT04577534 (COVIDSTORM) unpublished
                RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedlow
                26/13 inconclusive

                  COVID-19 severe or critically meta-analysis

                  REMAP-CAP (tocilizumab)
                  RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
                  353/402 conclusif
                  • suggested 30 % decrease in deaths with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                  • demonstrated 64 % increase in clinical improvement (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                  RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
                  20/20 inconclusive
                    RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
                    65/64 safety concern
                    • safety concern with 1.7-fold increase in deaths,death D28 (not statistically significant)
                    • inconclusive 54 % increase in death or ventilation (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                    CORIMUNO-TOCI-1 (Group 1)
                    RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
                    64/67 inconclusive
                      CORIMUNO-TOCI-ICU (Group 2)
                      RCTtocilizumab standard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
                      49/43 inconclusive
                        2 studies excluded by filtering options (2 RCT / 0 OBS)

                        PE: primary endpoint; (a): to be demonstrated a result must be statistically significant on a primary endpoint (with multiplicity adjustment if necessary);
                        Study risk of bias assessed for the study primary endpoint(s) or the main endpoints in case of no formally defined primary endpoint(s).