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Study Ref. Design studied treatmentcontrol treatmentpatientsstudy risk of biassample sizes Results

COVID 19 outpatients meta-analysis

Espitia-Hernandez NRaazithromycinstandard of careCOVID 19 outpatients, COVID-19 mild to moderateNA
28/7 uncontrolled
  • [uncontrolled] negative PCR on day 10: 100.0% (28/28)

COVID 19 hospitalized meta-analysis

RCTazithromycinstandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
2582/5181 inconclusive
  • inconclusive 3 % decrease in deaths,deaths (time to event analysis only),death D28 (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
RCTazithromycinstandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
56/55 inconclusive
  • inconclusive 51 % decrease in deaths (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
Rodriguez-Molinero OBSazithromycinCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
-/- ongoing
    Our study did not find a benefit associated with the use of azithromycin in terms of respiratory function (SAFI)
    Rodriguez-Molinero OBSazithromycincontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
    -/- inconclusive
      Our study did not find a benefit associated with the use of azithromycin in terms of respiratory function (SAFI)
      Rosenberg OBSazithromycincontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedserious
      -/- inconclusive

        COVID-19 mild to moderate meta-analysis

        Rashad A (AZI vs SoC) RCTazithromycinstandard of careCOVID-19 mild to moderatesome concern
        107/99 inconclusive
          COALITION I Covid-19 Brazil (AZI, Cavalcanti)
          RCTazithromycinstandard of careCOVID-19 mild to moderatesome concern
          172/159 inconclusive
          • inconclusive 18 % decrease in clinical improvement,clinical improvement (14-day) (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias

          COVID-19 severe or critically meta-analysis

          COALITION II Covid-19 Brazil (Furtado)
          RCTazithromycinstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
          214/183 safety concern
          • inconclusive 26 % decrease in clinical improvement,clinical improvement (14-day) (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
          • statistically significant 6 % decrease in clinical improvement (7-day) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias

          PE: primary endpoint; (a): to be demonstrated a result must be statistically significant on a primary endpoint (with multiplicity adjustment if necessary);
          Study risk of bias assessed for the study primary endpoint(s) or the main endpoints in case of no formally defined primary endpoint(s).