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Study Ref. Design studied treatmentcontrol treatmentpatientsstudy risk of biassample sizes Results

COVID 19 hospitalized meta-analysis

RCTcolchicinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
640/639 inconclusive
  • inconclusive 17 % decrease in death or ventilation (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
Gaitan-Duarte (Rosuvastatin plus colchicine)
RCTColchicine plus rosuvastatinstandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
161/162 inconclusive
  • inconclusive 19 % decrease in deaths,death D28 (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
RCTcolchicinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
5610/5730 inconclusive
    RECOVERY (colchicine)
    RCTcolchicinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
    5610/5730 inconclusive
    • inconclusive 1 % increase in deaths,death D28 (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
    RCTcolchicinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
    55/50 suggested
    • suggested 89 % decrease in clinical deterioration (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
    Lopes MIF
    RCTcolchicineplaceboCOVID 19 hospitalizedhigh
    19/19 inconclusive
      RCTcolchicineplaceboCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
      50/50 inconclusive
        Comparing two groups showed significantly different only in the duration of hospitalized (P<0.05). Although in colchicine group dyspnea was improved more rapid than the placebo group, but it was not meaningful.
        Sandhu OBScolchicinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
        53/144 suggested
        • suggested 64 % decrease in deaths
        • suggested 1.8-fold increase in hospital discharge
        • suggested 60 % decrease in mechanical ventilation
        Scarsi OBScolchicinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
        122/142 suggested
        • suggested 85 % decrease in deaths,deaths (time to event analysis only)

        COVID-19 mild to moderate meta-analysis

        COL-COVID (Pascual-Figal)
        RCTcolchicinestandard of careCOVID-19 mild to moderatesome concern
        52/51 inconclusive

          COVID-19 severe or critically meta-analysis

          RCTcolchicineplaceboCOVID-19 severe or criticallyNA
          66/60 inconclusive
          • inconclusive 17 % decrease in death or transfer to ICU (PE)
          Brunetti OBScolchicinestandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallyNA
          33/33 suggested
          • suggested 80 % decrease in deaths,death D28
          • suggested 2.5-fold increase in clinical improvement (28-day)
          • suggested 4.0-fold increase in hospital discharge

          PE: primary endpoint; (a): to be demonstrated a result must be statistically significant on a primary endpoint (with multiplicity adjustment if necessary);
          Study risk of bias assessed for the study primary endpoint(s) or the main endpoints in case of no formally defined primary endpoint(s).