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COVID 19 hospitalized meta-analysis

RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
97/97 inconclusive
    ARCHAIC -hydroxychloroquine
    RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
    9/6 inconclusive
      RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
      -/- inconclusive
        RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
        21/12 inconclusive
          Duke university HCQ
          RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
          4/2 inconclusive
            discontinued, found in Axfors et al. meta-analysis
            Duke University hydroxychloroquine/azithromycine
            RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
            2/3 inconclusive
              Gonzalez (HCQ)
              RCThydroxychloroquineplaceboCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
              33/37 inconclusive
                RCThydroxychloroquineazithromycinCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
                42/43 inconclusive
                • inconclusive 7 % increase in clinical deterioration (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                RCTchloroquinelopinavir/ritonavirCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
                10/12 suggested
                • suggested 100 % increase in hospital discharge with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                RCThydroxychloroquineplaceboCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
                124/123 inconclusive
                • inconclusive 12 % increase in death or ventilation (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                NO COVID-19 (Lyngbakken)
                RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
                27/26 inconclusive
                  RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
                  10/6 inconclusive
                    RCThydroxychloroquineplaceboCOVID 19 hospitalizedlow
                    242/237 inconclusive
                    • inconclusive 2 % increase in clinical improvement,clinical improvement (14-day) (PE) with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
                    PROTECT A
                    RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
                    62/63 inconclusive
                      PROTECT B
                      RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedNA
                      -/- inconclusive
                        RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
                        1561/3155 safety concern
                        • inconclusive 9 % increase in deaths,deaths (time to event analysis only),death D28 (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                        • statistically significant 14 % increase in death or ventilation with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                        SOLIDARITY (WHO study) HCQ
                        RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
                        947/906 inconclusive
                        • inconclusive 19 % increase in deaths,deaths (time to event analysis only),death D28 (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                        RCTchloroquine and derivativesstandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedhigh
                        75/75 inconclusive
                          RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedhigh
                          75/75 safety concern
                          • statistically significant 3.5-fold increase in adverse events but with a low degree of certainty due to high risk of bias
                          RCThydroxychloroquineplaceboCOVID 19 hospitalizedsome concern
                          67/61 inconclusive
                          • inconclusive 80 % increase in clinical deterioration (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                          • inconclusive 16 % increase in adverse events (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                          Arshad (HCQ) OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedcritical
                          1202/409 suggested
                          • suggested 66 % decrease in deaths,deaths (time to event analysis only) but with a very low degree of certainty due to critical risk of bias
                          Belgian Collaborative Group on COVID-19 OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedserious
                          4542/3533 suggested
                          • suggested 32 % decrease in deaths,deaths (time to event analysis only) but with a low degree of certainty due to high risk of bias
                          Chen_chloroquine OBSchloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedcritical
                          17/121 inconclusive
                            Geleris OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedserious
                            811/565 inconclusive
                              Huang OBSchloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedcritical
                              197/176 suggested
                              • suggested 5.1-fold increase in viral clearance by day 14 but with a very low degree of certainty due to critical risk of bias
                              Magagnoli (HC) OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedserious
                              97/158 safety concern
                              • safety concern with statistically significant 1.6-fold increase in deaths,deaths (time to event analysis only)
                              Novales OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedcritical
                              123/43 suggested
                              • suggested 93 % decrease in deaths but with a very low degree of certainty due to critical risk of bias
                              Paccoud OBShydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 hospitalizedserious
                              38/46 inconclusive
                                Rosenberg OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedserious
                                -/- safety concern
                                • safety concern with 91 % increase in cardiac arrest (not statistically significant)
                                Sbidian (HCQ alone) OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedcritical
                                623/3792 safety concern
                                • statistically significant 25 % increase in deaths,deaths (time to event analysis only),death D28 but with a very low degree of certainty due to critical risk of bias
                                Singh OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 hospitalizedcritical
                                -/- inconclusive

                                  COVID 19 all comers meta-analysis

                                  Chen, ChiCTR2000030054 - Chloroquine
                                  RCTchloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 all comershigh
                                  18/12 inconclusive
                                    ChiCTR2000030054-HCQ (Chen)
                                    RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 all comershigh
                                    18/12 inconclusive
                                      Gautret et al. NRahydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 all comersserious
                                      20/16 uncontrolled
                                      • [uncontrolled] virological cure (negative nasopharyngeal PCR): 70.0% (14/20)
                                      a viral load reduction/disappearance is claimed but the numerous methological limits preclude any strong conclusion

                                      COVID-19 mild to moderate meta-analysis

                                      FACCT Trial
                                      RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID-19 mild to moderatesome concern
                                      125/129 inconclusive
                                      • inconclusive 15 % decrease in clinical improvement (time to event analysis only) (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                                      Coalition Covid-19 Brazil I (Cavalcanti)-Hydroxychloroquine
                                      RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID-19 mild to moderatesome concern
                                      221/227 safety concern
                                      • statistically significant 74 % increase in adverse events with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                                      HC-nCoV (Shanghai)
                                      RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID-19 mild to moderatehigh
                                      15/15 inconclusive
                                        RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID-19 mild to moderatehigh
                                        360/180 inconclusive
                                        • inconclusive 5 % decrease in clinical deterioration (PE) but with a low degree of certainty due to high risk of bias
                                        RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID-19 mild to moderateNA
                                        -/- inconclusive
                                          RCTchloroquineplaceboCOVID-19 mild to moderateNA
                                          -/- inconclusive
                                            Zhaowei Chen
                                            RCThydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID-19 mild to moderatehigh
                                            31/31 inconclusive
                                              Zhaowei Chen
                                              RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID-19 mild to moderatehigh
                                              31/31 suggested
                                              • suggested 2.4-fold increase in radiologic improvement (7-day) but with a low degree of certainty due to high risk of bias
                                              • suggested 2.4-fold increase in radiologic improvement (7-day) but with a low degree of certainty due to high risk of bias
                                              Min OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID-19 mild to moderateNA
                                              20/20 inconclusive

                                                COVID-19 severe or critically meta-analysis

                                                HYDRA (Hernandez-Cardenas)
                                                RCThydroxychloroquineplaceboCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
                                                106/108 inconclusive
                                                • inconclusive 20 % decrease in deaths,deaths (time to event analysis only),death D28 (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
                                                RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallyNA
                                                61/81 inconclusive
                                                • inconclusive 4 % increase in deaths (PE)
                                                REMAP-CAP is a randomised, embedded, multifactorial, adaptive platform trial for community-acquired pneumonia.multi-arm study
                                                Mahevas OBShydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallyserious
                                                84/97 inconclusive
                                                  Yu OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID-19 severe or criticallycritical
                                                  48/520 suggested
                                                  • suggested 68 % decrease in deaths,deaths (time to event analysis only) but with a very low degree of certainty due to critical risk of bias

                                                  PE: primary endpoint; (a): to be demonstrated a result must be statistically significant on a primary endpoint (with multiplicity adjustment if necessary);
                                                  Study risk of bias assessed for the study primary endpoint(s) or the main endpoints in case of no formally defined primary endpoint(s).