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Study Ref. Design studied treatmentcontrol treatmentpatientsstudy risk of biassample sizes Results

COVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children) meta-analysis

PROFISCOV (SinoVac Brazil)
RCTCoronaVac (SinoVac)placeboCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
6195/6201 suggested
  • suggested 58 % decrease in vaccine efficacy from randomization (ITT)
  • suggested 51 % decrease in confirmed COVID (any severity)
  • suggested 84 % decrease in symptomatic Covid-19
Sinopharm Wuhan Vero cell
RCTSinopharm WuhanplaceboCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
13765/13765 suggested
  • suggested 79 % decrease in hospitalization
  • suggested 78 % decrease in symptomatic Covid-19
Xia (66)
RCTSinopharm Beijing (BBIBP-CorV)placeboCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
-/- inconclusive
    No serious adverse event was reported within 28 days post vaccination
    Sinovac Turkish Trial unpublished
    RCTCoronaVac (SinoVac)placeboCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
    752/570 suggested
    • suggested 100 % decrease in hospitalization
    • suggested 83 % decrease in symptomatic Covid-19
    7 studies excluded by filtering options (0 RCT / 7 OBS)

    PE: primary endpoint; (a): to be demonstrated a result must be statistically significant on a primary endpoint (with multiplicity adjustment if necessary);
    Study risk of bias assessed for the study primary endpoint(s) or the main endpoints in case of no formally defined primary endpoint(s).