Study explorer (study characteristics and results) method abbreviations pdf   xlsx

display ongoing studies
Study Ref. Design studied treatmentcontrol treatmentpatientsstudy risk of biassample sizes Results Bell's palsy Sappendicitis Smyocarditis Spericarditis SGuillain-Barré syndrome S

COVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children) meta-analysis

COVE Moderna/NIH phase 3 (study 301)
RCTSpikevax (Moderna mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine)placeboCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)some concern
15181/15170 conclusif COVE Moderna/NIH phase 3 (study 301)")' style='color: black;' class='popover-interpretation' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='bottom' data-html='true' data-trigger='hover' container='body' data-content="

Bell's palsy safety

relative treatment effect [95% CI]: 3.00 [0.31; 28.83] calc.

3/15181 (0.0%) vs. 1/15170 (0.0%)
ARR=0.01% 95% CI [0.00; 0.00], NNT=-7593

briefing doc page 6 in text ( Throughout the safety follow-up period to date, there were three reports of facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy) in the vaccine group and one in the placebo group)

" >180%
6 studies excluded by filtering options (1 RCT / 5 OBS)

PE: primary endpoint; (a): to be demonstrated a result must be statistically significant on a primary endpoint (with multiplicity adjustment if necessary);
Study risk of bias assessed for the study primary endpoint(s) or the main endpoints in case of no formally defined primary endpoint(s).