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COVID 19 outpatients meta-analysis

COPE – Coalition V
RCThydroxychloroquineplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
689/683 inconclusive
  • inconclusive 23 % decrease in hospitalization (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
PATCH Cohort 1 (Amaravadi)
RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
15/13 inconclusive
    BCN PEP-CoV-2-Study 2 (Mitja et al. Clin Infect Dis)
    RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
    137/157 safety concern
    • statistically significant 25.5-fold increase in adverse events with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
    • statistically significant 177.2-fold increase in adverse events with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
    RCThydroxychloroquinestandard of careCOVID 19 outpatientsNA
    -/- inconclusive
      COVID-PEP Severity (Skipper)
      RCThydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
      244/247 no results
        change in symptom severity over 14 days did not differ between the hydroxychloroquine and placebo groups (difference in symptom severity: relative, 12%; absolute, −0.27 points [95% CI, −0.61 to 0.07 points]; P = 0.117)
        COVID-PEP Severity (Skipper)
        RCThydroxychloroquineplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientssome concern
        244/247 safety concern
        • statistically significant 1.8-fold increase in adverse events with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
        change in symptom severity over 14 days did not differ between the hydroxychloroquine and placebo groups (difference in symptom severity: relative, 12%; absolute, −0.27 points [95% CI, −0.61 to 0.07 points]; P = 0.117)
        Q-PROTECT -HCQ alone
        RCThydroxychloroquineplaceboCOVID 19 outpatientsNA
        152/152 inconclusive
        • inconclusive 5 % increase in viral clearance ,viral clearance by day 7 (PE)
        Agusti OBShydroxychloroquinecontrolCOVID 19 outpatientsNA
        87/55 inconclusive
        • inconclusive 1.4-fold increase in viral clearance by day 7 (PE)

        PE: primary endpoint; (a): to be demonstrated a result must be statistically significant on a primary endpoint (with multiplicity adjustment if necessary);
        Study risk of bias assessed for the study primary endpoint(s) or the main endpoints in case of no formally defined primary endpoint(s).