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COVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children) meta-analysis

UKHSA report week 12 (24 March 2022) OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
-/- no results
    CDC Mesa County, Colorado OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)serious
    -/- suggested
    • suggested 78 % decrease in symptomatic Covid-19 but with a low degree of certainty due to high risk of bias
    HEROES-RECOVER (Fowlkes) OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)serious
    3483/734 suggested
      Martinez-Baz OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
      -/- suggested
      • suggested 82 % decrease in confirmed COVID (any severity)
      • suggested 95 % decrease in hospitalization,severe COVID-19 occurrence
      • suggested 82 % decrease in symptomatic Covid-19
      Pawlowski OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
      31069/31069 suggested
        Pawlowski OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
        -/- inconclusive
          REACT-1 round 13 final report (Elliott, Imperial College London) OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)serious
          -/- suggested
          • suggested 59 % decrease in symptomatic Covid-19 but with a low degree of certainty due to high risk of bias
          Shah OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)serious
          -/- suggested
          • suggested 55 % decrease in confirmed COVID (any severity) but with a low degree of certainty due to high risk of bias
          Morales OBSRenin-angiotensin-system-acting agentscontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
          363785/248915 inconclusive
            Reynolds (prophylaxis) OBSRenin-angiotensin-system-acting agentscontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)serious
            -/- inconclusive
              Butt OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)moderate
              54360/54360 suggested
              • suggested 97 % decrease in confirmed COVID (any severity) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
              Grannis OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)serious
              -/- suggested
              • suggested 82 % decrease in symptomatic Covid-19 but with a low degree of certainty due to high risk of bias
              REACT-SCOT OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
              111295/1093449 suggested
              • suggested 61 % decrease in hospitalization or death
              VA (Bajema) OBSvaccinescontrolCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)serious
              -/- suggested
                Boyarsky DESCvaccinesuncontrolled studyCOVID-19 prophylaxis (excluding children)NA
                -/- no results

                  PE: primary endpoint; (a): to be demonstrated a result must be statistically significant on a primary endpoint (with multiplicity adjustment if necessary);
                  Study risk of bias assessed for the study primary endpoint(s) or the main endpoints in case of no formally defined primary endpoint(s).