Study study type PathologyT1T0Patientssample sizesROB Results

endometrial cancer endometrial cancer

versus placebo plus SoC
dostarlimab plus soC
RUBY (part 2), 2024
RCTendometrial cancerdostarlimab (500 mg) followed by dostarlimab plus niraparibplaceboprimary advanced stage III or IV or first recurrent endometrial cancer-/-low
  • suggested 40 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) (PE)
The PFS improvement with dostarlimab was observed in the overall patient population and in a subset of patients with mismatch repair–proficient (MMRp) or microsatellite stable (MSS) tumors, meeting the primary end point of the study. Data pertaining to overall survival (OS), a key secondary end point, are immature but will continue to be followed.
RUBY (part 1), 2023
RCTendometrial cancerdostarlimab (500 mg)placeboprimary advanced stage III or IV or first recurrent endometrial cancer245 / 249low
  • demonstrated 31 % decrease in deaths (OS) (PE)
  • suggested 36 % decrease in progression or deaths (PFS) (PE)