Study study type PathologyT1T0Patientssample sizesROB Results deaths (OS) Eprogression or deaths (PFS) ERFS/DFS E

mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positive metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1) mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positive

versus Standard of Care (SoC)
nivolumab alone
CheckMate 026 (PDL1>5%), 2016
RCTmNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positiveNivolumabplatinum-based chemotherapypatients previously untreated had histologically confirmed squamous-cell or nonsquamous stage IV or recurrent NSCLC PD-L1 at >1%211 / 212some concern
inconclusive 2% 15%
CheckMate 026 (PDL1>1%), 2016
RCTmNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positiveNivolumabplatinium doublet chemotherapypatients previously untreated had histologically confirmed squamous-cell or nonsquamous stage IV or recurrent NSCLC with PD-L1 >1%271 / 270some concern
inconclusive 7% 17%

mNSCLC - L2 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2) mNSCLC - L2 - all population

versus docetaxel
nivolumab alone
CheckMate 078, 2019
RCTmNSCLC - L2 - all populationnivolumabdocetaxelPatients with stage IIIB or IV or recurrent squamous or nonsquamous NSCLC progressing during or after one previous platinumbased doublet chemotherapy regimen. (predominantly Chinese patient)338 / 166some concern
conclusif demonstrated-32% demonstrated-23%

non squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2) non squamous cell - mNSCLC - L2 non squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all population

versus docetaxel
nivolumab alone
CheckMate 057, 2015
RCTnon squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all populationnivolumabdocetaxelPatients with advanced (stage IIIb or IV or recurrent) nonsquamous NSCLC that had progressed during or after platinum-based chemotherapy292 / 290some concern
conclusif demonstrated-27% -8%

squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all population metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2) squamous cell - mNSCLC - L2 squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all population

versus docetaxel
nivolumab alone
CheckMate 017, 2015
RCTsquamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all populationNivolumabDocetaxelPatients with stage IIIB or IV squamous-cell NSCLC who had disease recurrence after only one prior platinum-containing regimen135 / 137some concern
conclusif demonstrated-41% demonstrated-38%