Study study type PathologyT1T0Patientssample sizesROB Results deaths (OS) Eprogression or deaths (PFS) ERFS/DFS E

la/mBC - HER2 positive - 2nd Line (L2) breast cancer - HER2-positive la/mBC - HER2 positive la/mBC - HER2 positive - 2nd Line (L2)

versus lapatinib
lapatinib plus trastuzumab
EGF104900, 2010
RCTla/mBC - HER2 positive - 2nd Line (L2)lapatinib plus trastuzumablapatinib monotherapyPatients with HER2-positive mBC who had experienced progression on prior trastuzumab-based therapy. Patients must have received prior anthracycline- and taxane-based regimens in either the adjuvant or metastatic setting.148 / 148some concern
suggested -26% -26%
versus trastuzumab plus capecitabine
lapatinib plus capecitabine
WJOG6110B/ELTOP, 2018
RCTla/mBC - HER2 positive - 2nd Line (L2)lapatinib plus capecitabinetrastuzumab plus capecitabineWomen, aged 20yr or older, cith HER2-positive mBC or unresectable locally advanced BC who were previously treated with taxanes, with progression on trastuzumab-containing regimens43 / 43NA
suggested -42% -19%

la/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1) breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive la/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1)

versus fulvestrant
lapatinib plus fulvestrant
CALGB 40302, 2014
RCTla/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1)lapatinib plus fulvestrantplacebo plus fulvestrantPostmenauposal women with stage III or IV HR-positive BC (Er and/or PR positive). Originally with HER2-positive, then an amendment to include tumors regardless of HER2 status. Patients had one or two prior endocrine treatments for at least 3 months without tumor progression in either the adjuvant or metastatic setting.-/-NA
suggested -9% 4%
versus letrozole
lapatinib plus letrozole
EGF30008 (HER2-positive), 2009
RCTla/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1)lapatinib plus letrozoleplacebo plus letrozolePostmenopausal women with histologically confirmed stage IIIB/IIIC or IV, with HR positive. No prior therapy for advanced/metastatic BC was allowed, bu prior (neo)adjuvant antiestrogen therapy was allowed.111 / 108NA
conclusif -26% demonstrated-29%
EGF30008 (all population), 2009
RCTla/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1)lapatinib plus letrozoleplacebo plus letrozolePostmenopausal women with histologically confirmed stage IIIB/IIIC or IV, with HR positive. No prior therapy for advanced/metastatic BC was allowed, bu prior (neo)adjuvant antiestrogen therapy was allowed.642 / 644NA
conclusif demonstrated-14%