Study study type PathologyT1T0Patientssample sizesROB Results deaths (OS) Eprogression or deaths (PFS) ERFS/DFS E

la/mBC - HER2 positive - 1st Line (L1) breast cancer - HER2-positive la/mBC - HER2 positive la/mBC - HER2 positive - 1st Line (L1)

versus trastuzumab plus docetaxel
bevacizumab plus trastuzumab plus docetaxel
AVEREL, 2013
RCTla/mBC - HER2 positive - 1st Line (L1)bevacizumab plus docetaxel plus trastuzumabdocetaxel plus trastuzumabPatients with HER2-positive measurable or evaluable locally recurrent or metastatic BC, ad received no prior trastuzumab or chemotherapy for LR/MBC216 / 208some concern
inconclusive -6% -18%

la/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1) breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive la/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1)

versus fulvestrant
cediranib plus fulvestrant
NCT00454805, 2013
RCTla/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1)cediranib plus fulvestrantfulvestrantPostmenopausal women with histologically/cytologically confirmed hormone-sensitive BC, with evidence of metastatic disease.-/-high
inconclusive -13%