Study study type PathologyT1T0Patientssample sizesROB Results deaths (OS) Eprogression or deaths (PFS) ERFS/DFS E

la/mBC - HR positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA) breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)

versus letrozole
alpelisib plus letrozole
NEO-ORB (mutant cohort), 2019
RCTla/mBC - HR positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)alpelisib plus letrozoleletrozolePostmenopausal women with locally confirmed, HR , HER2−, T1c-T3 operable breast cancer with known PIK3CA mutation status, who had not previously received treatment with local or systemic therapy and were considered eligible for neoadjuvant endocrine therapy were included in this study.-/-NA
NEO-ORB (wild type cohort), 2019
RCTla/mBC - HR positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)alpelisib plus letrozoleletrozolePostmenopausal women with locally confirmed, HR , HER2−, T1c-T3 operable breast cancer with known PIK3CA mutation status, who had not previously received treatment with local or systemic therapy and were considered eligible for neoadjuvant endocrine therapy were included in this study.131 / 126NA

la/mBC - HR-positive - 2nd line (L2) breast cancer - HR positive la/mBC - HR positive la/mBC - HR-positive - 2nd line (L2)

versus fulvestrant
alpelisib plus fulvestrant
SOLAR-1 (patients without PIK3CA mutant status), 2019
RCTla/mBC - HR-positive - 2nd line (L2)alpelisib plus fulvestrantplacebo plus fulvestrantPatients were men and postmenauposal women with locally advanced confirmed HR positive, HER2 negative breast cancer / Patient has recurrence or progression of disease during or after AI therapy115 / 116low
inconclusive -15%
SOLAR-1 (patients with PIK3CA mutant status), 2019
RCTla/mBC - HR-positive - 2nd line (L2)alpelisib plus fulvestrantplacebo plus fulvestrantPatients were men and postmenauposal women with locally advanced confirmed HR positive, HER2 negative breast cancer169 / 172low
conclusif -14% demonstrated-35%