Study study type PathologyT1T0Patientssample sizesROB Results deaths (OS) Eprogression or deaths (PFS) ERFS/DFS E

es-BC - HER2 negative - (neo)adjuvant (NA) breast cancer - HER2-positive es-BC - HER2 negative - (neo)adjuvant (NA)

versus paclitaxel followed by doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide
pembrolizumab plus paclitxel followed by doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide
I-SPY2, 2020
RCTes-BC - HER2 negative - (neo)adjuvant (NA)pembrolizumab plus paclitxel followed by doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamidepaclitaxel followed by doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamidePatients with ERBB2 (formerly HER2)-negative breast cance, women treated with neoadjuvant for early-stage breast cancer (stage II or III)69 / 181high