Living systematic review and meta-analysis
mGC or mGEJC - M - HER2 neg/PDL1 positive
A EFFACER all cancer
basal cell carcinoma
biliary tract cancer (BTC)
billiary tract cancer - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
billiary tract cancer - 1st line (L1)
billiary tract cancer - 2nd line (L2)
breast cancer (BC)
breast cancer - adjuvant
breast cancer - HER2-positive
es-BC - HER2 negative - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
es-BC - HER2 positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
la/mBC - HER2 positive
la/mBC - HER2 positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
la/mBC - HER2 positive - 1st Line (L1)
la/mBC - HER2 positive - 2nd Line (L2)
breast cancer - HR positive
es-BC - HR positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
es-BC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1)
la/mBC - HR positive
la/mBC - HR positive - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
la/mBC - HR positive - NA - PIK3CA mutant
la/mBC - HR-positive - 1st line (L1)
la/mBC - HR positive - L1 - PIK3CA mutant
la/mBC - HR-positive - 2nd line (L2)
la/mBC - HR positive - L2 - all population
la/mBC - HR positive - L2 - PIK3CA mutant
breast cancer - triple negative
es-BC - Triple negatif (TNBC) - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
es-BC - TNBC - NA - all population
es-BC - TNBC - NA - PDL1 positive
es-BC - Triple negatif (TNBC) - 1st line (L1)
mBC - Triple negative (TNBC) - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
mBC - Triple negative (TNBC) - 1st Line (L1)
mBC - TNBC - L1 - all population
mBC - TNBC - L1 - PDL1 positive
mBC-Triple negative (TNBC) - 2nd Line (L2)
mBC - TNBC - L2 - all population
mBC - TNBC - L2 - PDL1 positive
metastatic/advanced - breast cancer (mBC)
cervical cancer (CC)
classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL)
refractory classic Hodgkin lymphoma (R/R cHL)
R/R cHL - second line or more (L2)
colorectal cancer (CRC)
locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC)
metastatic/advanced - colorectal cancer (mCRC)
mCRC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
mCRC - 1st line (L1)
mCRC - 2nd line (L2)
endometrial cancer
endometrial cancer - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
esophageal cancer (EC)
locally advanced - esophageal cancer (laEC)
laEC - Neo(adjuvant) (NA)
metastatic/advanced - esophageal cancer (mEC)
mEC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
mEC - 1st line (L1)
mEC - 2nd line (L2)
gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer (GC)
locally advanced (laGC)
laGC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
metastatic/advanced mGC or mGEJC
mGC or mGEJC - 1st line (L1)
mGC or mGEJC - L1 - all population
mGC or mGEJC - L1 - HER2 neg/PDL1 positive
mGC or mGEJC - L1 - HER2 negative
mGC or mGEJC - L1 - HER2 positive
mGC or mGEJC - L1 - PDL1 positive
mGC or mGEJC - 2nd Line (L2)
mGC or mGEJC - L2 - all population
mGC or mGEJC - L2 - PDL1 positive
mGC or mGEJC - maintenance (M)
mGC or mGEJC - M - HER2 negative
mGC or mGEJC - M - HER2 neg/PDL1 positive
gene alteration defined cancer
BRAF gene alteration defined cancer
BRCA1/2 gene alteration defined cancer
EGFR gene alteration defined cancer
EGFR exon 20 insertion mutation
FGFR (2/3) gene alteration defined cancer
KRAS gene alteration defined cancer
MET gene alteration defined cancer
NTRK gene alteration
RET gene alteration defined cancer
glioblastoma (GB)
metastatic glioblastoma (mGB) - 1st line (L1)
metastatic glioblastoma (mGB) - 2nd line (L2)
head and neck cancer squamous cell cancer (HNSCC)
locally advanced (laHNSCC)
laHNSCC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
laHNSCC - 1st line (L1)
laHNSCC - 2nd line (L2)
metastatic-recurrent HNSCC (mHNSCC)
mHNSCC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
mHNSCC - 1st line (L1)
mHNSCC - L1 - all population
mHNSCC - L1 - PDL1 positive
mHNSCC - 2nd line (L2)
mHNSCC - L2 - all population
mHNSCC - L2 - PDL1 negative
mHNSCC - L2 - PDL1 positive
hepatocell cancer (HCC)
early HCC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
metastatic/advanced hepatocellular cancer (mHCC)
mHCC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
mHCC - 1st line (L1)
mHCC - 2nd line (L2)
lung cancer : non small cell (NSCLC)
early NSCLC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
eNSCLC - NA - all population
eNSCLC - NA - EGFR mutant
early NSCLC - 1st line (L1)
locally advanced NSCLC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
laNSCLC - NA - all population
locally advanced NSCLC - maintenance (M)
laNSCLC - M - all population
laNSCLC - M - EGFR mutant
metastatic/adv NSCLC (mNSCLC) - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
mNSCLC - NA - all population
metastatic/adv NSCLC (mNSCLC) - maintenance (M)
mNSCLC - M - all population
mNSCLC - M - EGFR mutant
mNSCLC - M - EGFR wild type
mNSCLC - M - PDL1 positive
metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 1st line (L1)
mNSCLC - L1 - all population
mNSCLC - L1 - EGFR mutant
mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 negative
mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positive
mNSCLC - L1 - TMB>10Mb
non squamous cell - mNSCLC - L1
non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - all population
non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positive
non squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - Wild Type (WT)
squamous cell - mNSCLC - L1
squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - all population
squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - PDL1 positive
squamous - mNSCLC - L1 - Wild Type (WT)
metastatic/advanced NSCLC (mNSCLC) - 2nd line (L2)
mNSCLC - L2 - adenocarcinoma cell
mNSCLC - L2 - all population
mNSCLC - L2 - EGFR high
mNSCLC - L2 - EGFR mutant
mNSCLC - L2 - EGFR wild type
mNSCLC - L2 - KRAS mutant
mNSCLC - L2 - KRAS wild type
mNSCLC - L2 - PDL1 negative
mNSCLC - L2 - PDL1 positive
non squamous cell - mNSCLC - L2
non squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all population
non squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - EGFR mutant
non squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - PDL1 positive
non squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - wild type (WT)
squamous cell - mNSCLC - L2
squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - all population
squamous - mNSCLC - L2 - PDL1 positive
NSCLC adjuvant setting
NSCLC neoadjuvant setting
lung cancer : small cell (SCLC)
Extensive stage SCLC (Es-SCLC)
Extensive stage SCLC (Es-SCLC) - maintenance (M)
Extensive stage SCLC (Es-SCLC) - 1st Line (L1)
Extensive stage SCLC (Es-SCLC) - 2nd line (L2)
limited stage SCLC (ls-SCLC)
limited stage SCLC (ls-SCLC) - maintenance (M)
limited stage SCLC (ls-SCLC) - 2nd Line (L2)
melanoma (ML)
metastatic/adv melanoma (mML)
mML - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
mML - NA - all population
mML - NA - PDL1 positive
mML - 1st line (L1)
mML - L1 - all population
mML - L1 - BRAF mutant
mML - L1 - BRAF wild
mML - 2nd line (L2)
mML - L2 - all population
mML - L2 - BRAF mutant
mesothelioma (MS)
malignant mesothelioma (mMS) - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
malignant mesothelioma (mMS) - 1st line (L1)
malignant mesothelioma (mMS) - 2nd line (L2)
multiple myeloma
multiple myeloma - 1st line (L1)
multiple myeloma - 2nd line (L2)
myofibroblastic tumors
new pathology
ovarian cancer (OC)
metastatic/advanced OC (mOC) - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
metastatic/advanced OC (mOC) - 1st line (L1)
mOC - L1 - all population
mOC - L1 - PDL1 positive
metastatic/advanced OC (mOC) - 2nd line (L2)
metastatic/advanced OC (mOC) - maintenance (M)
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum
prostate cancer (PC)
castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)
metastatic (mCRPC) - 1st line (L1)
metastatic (mCRPC) - 2nd line (L2)
metastatic, hormone-sensitive prostate cancer
renal cell cancer (RCC)
metastatic/advanced RCC (mRCC) - (neo)adjuvant(NA)
metastatic/advanced RCC (mRCC) - 1st line (L1)
mRCC - L1 - PDL1 negative
mRCC - L1 - PDL1 positive
metastatic/advanced RCC (mRCC) - 2nd line (L2)
thyroid cancer
urothelial cancer (UC) - bladder cancer (BC)
metastatic/advanced UC (mUC) - 1st Line (L1)
mUC - L1 - all population
mUC - L1 - PDL1 positive
metastatic/advanced UC (mUC) - 2nd Line (L2)
mUC - L2 - all population
mUC - L2 - PDL1 positive
metastatic/advanced UC (mUC) - maintenance (M)
mUC - M - all population
mUC - M - PDL1 positive
muscular invasive bladder cancer (MIBC)
MIBC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
MIBC - NA - all population
MIBC - NA - PDL1 positive
non-muscle-invasive BC (NMIBC)
NMIBC - (neo)adjuvant (NA)
NMIBC - 1st line (L1)
NMIBC - 2nd line (L2)
All treatment
immune chekpoint inhibitors
avelumab based treatment
avelumab alone
no study with result for this clinical condition